Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Fun in the Sun

This weekend it was in the 70s again so we spent a bunch of time outside. Aunt Julie made Lindsey her own visor to keep the bright sun out of her eyes. How sweet! We took long walks, played on our playset, went to the zoo, and sat and played with toys on her blanket.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Funny Face

Since it has been so nice out lately, I have had the front door open a lot to let more light in the living room. Lindsey LOVES this and as soon as I put her on the floor she makes a "B" Line (if you've ever seen Dane Cook, you know his thoughts on a "B" line;) )to the door and likes to stand up and make funny faces on the glass. I had my buddy Nancy stand behind her as I went outside to capture these funny faces that she was making. Can you say "Blaahhpfffftttt!??!" :)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

7 Months Old/Day at the Park

Ah, you gotta love Wisconsin. It was 72 degrees outside today, and yet there are still piles of snow around--as you can see in the pictures. Lindseyis 7 months old today and since it was so nice out I thought I would take the kids down to the park. They both had a great time. Lindsey got to sit in a swing for the first time, too. Overall, a great day!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Here Comes Trouble....

Okay, I admit it. We're in trouble. First she's crawling at an early age (which means she mobile and grabbing at stuff that she shouldn't be), and now she has figured out how to stand up in her crib. She's not even 7 months old yet! Her big brother crawled and stood up at 8 months of age. I'm happy that she's figuring out how the world works and how to get what she wants, but man, I never thought we'd have to baby-proof the house already (outlet covers in place)!
The first pic is of Linds just crawling down the hallway. If you walk away at all, she will follow right behind you. Depending on what time of the day it is, meaning nighttime, she will follow, head down, crying the whole way saying "Mommy, pick me up!!!" She is such a sweetie. By the way, you might have noticed that Lindsey has two set of bumpers in her crib. One day while napping, Lindsey managed to get her foot caught between the rails!! Gave us a good scare so we decided that the two sets would help prevent that. She's a very busy girl and keeps us on our toes, but we can't imagine life any other way :)