How time flies! I know I say it frequently, but I still can't believe how big Lindsey is getting and how time has gone so quickly! Among Lindsey's developments, she has 3 words that she uses pretty regularly now: "okay," "keys," and "balloon." She did say "juice"the other night, and both Jason and I heard it, but she hasn't said it since. She was also saying "Boobah" a lot, but hasn't said that one recently either. She is talking more than she used to, but we're still waiting to hear "mama" and "dada" while directing her attention to us. She has also started using the potty more--usually at night before she takes a bath. She had been using the potty a lot before Christmas, but then she got an Elmo bath mat and wanted nothing to do with the potty, and rather stare at Elmo in the bath tub :) Silly girl. It'll be nice when she's out of diapers. She's still doing well with being in a toddler bed. She will occasionally come running into our room at night, and then I'll go and lay her back down--and she usually stays there. I have also tested the peanut and strawberry allergy with her, and everything seems to be fine. She had her first peanut butter and jelly sandwich the other day. She loved the strawberry jelly! Quite messy. She has a lot of teeth now, too. One of her "eye" teeth broke through finally a couple of days ago. She had been quite grumpy because of it. Poor little girl:( Something that we all have to go through. (She has fourteen teeth now!) Hopefully the weather will warm up and all of the snow will melt and then we'll be able to play outside more. I can't wait for that (& Spring!!!)!!!!
A few notes about the pictures: the first is of Lindsey chewing on her daddy's toothbrush...eeewww. It must feel good on her teeth. The second is just of her being silly, the third and fourth are of her posing while laughing at me with the camera, and then the last picture is actually from a couple of days ago, but she is standing on the snow. We have had soooo much snow this winter. Sure keeps us busy, and Lindsey really enjoys playing outside in it :)