I know this blog is titled "All About Lindsey," but I only thought it fair to put some pictures and video clips on here, as well, since we are soooo proud of him playing the violin. He has done a wonderful job learning over this past Winter/Spring. All of our out of town friends and family can now see and hear William play. Enjoy!
P.S. The post is labeled (Ashley, you'd be proud 2) because my roommate, Ashley, used to play the violin when we were roommates. She let me try to play her violin once in college, and I quickly realized how hard it really is to get your arm and hands in the right position, etc. I knew she would be proud to see my seven year old little boy taking up the challenge and doing quite well with it!!
William playing "Hot Cross Buns." Brought tears to my eyes:) I'm so cheesey that I need crackers!!
William playing "At Pierrot's Door."
William playing "Boil 'em Cabbage Down."