Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our Trip to Upper Michigan, July 2008

William and Lindsey playing on the bouncy raft--Lindsey doing the bouncing!

Lindsey playing with a laundry basket on Nana's bed.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

William's New Haircut, Part II

William is now sporting a new haircut styled by DaddyJ, looking like DaddyJ. When William had his mowhawk done, we never thought it looked totally right because when I initially trimmed his hair, I cut off a few inches from the bottom therefore leaving the mowhawk looking incomplete. It either should have gone all the way down, or have it stop around the crown of his head. So DaddyJ shaved off the rest of tail part and then took the razor and actually shaved his head on the sides. Such a tough looking kid. I don't know too many 8 year olds with shave heads and mowhawks ;) He still is so cute!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Lindsey has Bugs!!!

Lindsey's room has bugs! Oh me oh my!! When Great-Gran was in-town visiting us last month, she bought Lindsey her birthday present early which was the adorable lady bug border that you now see on her walls. It is too cute in her room!! The colors match perfectly and Lindsey just loves lady bugs! I had my friend Shirley come over to help with me with putting it up there since I have never done that before, and she has a border in her son, Alex's, bedroom. It took us about two hours to get it all up and done, but I think it looks great and feels like it finishes off her bedroom. Thanks Great-Gran!! We love it!!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

23 Months Old / Lindsey's Baptism!

Lindsey is 23 months old today and was baptized today! I know people think I'm silly for even noticing goofy things like that, but she is 23 months old today, and today's date is also her birth weight (7, 13) so I thought it seemed fit that we would schedule today to be a special day in her little life. Aunt Julie and Uncle Jesse are her Godparents. We had lots of family and friends turn out for the event and Lindsey was pretty well behaved during the service and handled the water being poured onto her head pretty well, too. Afterwards, we took her dress off and she got to sample whatever she could get her hands on at the table--including some yummy cake! Among Lindsey's developments, she is doing more 2 words phrases now, like "up please" and says "please" and "thank you" pretty much on cue. She is extremely interactive and love to play with any child that she comes across. As a matter of fact, we went to the zoo today and a little boy walked up by her and the next thing I knew was that she was holding hands with him, just walking around--too cute!! She is a very happy, expressive baby. God Bless You, Lindsey Mae.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Silly Baby!

Just a few silly pictures of Lindsey from the past week, or so. She has recently figured out how to undress herself and now likes to pull down her shorts and diaper...and I got it on film! Very silly baby.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th & Presenting......Will's New Haircut!!

CHECK IT OUT!! WILLIAM HAS A MOWHAWK!!! It's something that he has wanted to try for a while now. With it being summer time, and knowing how hot and sweaty he gets while playing, we thought he could stand a little 'air conditioning' of his own......

P.S. Happy 4th of July!! Even though we didn't do much to celebrate the 4th this year, our house is festive!