Lindsey is 23 months old today and was baptized today! I know people think I'm silly for even noticing goofy things like that, but she is 23 months old today, and today's date is also her birth weight (7, 13) so I thought it seemed fit that we would schedule today to be a special day in her little life. Aunt Julie and Uncle Jesse are her Godparents. We had lots of family and friends turn out for the event and Lindsey was pretty well behaved during the service and handled the water being poured onto her head pretty well, too. Afterwards, we took her dress off and she got to sample whatever she could get her hands on at the table--including some yummy cake! Among Lindsey's developments, she is doing more 2 words phrases now, like "up please" and says "please" and "thank you" pretty much on cue. She is extremely interactive and love to play with any child that she comes across. As a matter of fact, we went to the zoo today and a little boy walked up by her and the next thing I knew was that she was holding hands with him, just walking around--too cute!! She is a very happy, expressive baby. God Bless You, Lindsey Mae.