Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"Isn't She....Pretty in Pink....."

Lindsey just turned six months old, and to celebrate we bought her a beautiful pink dress. She looks just like a porcelain doll in it! It is my favorite by far!! Among her list of new accomplishments is a more diverse menu. Lindsey has now sampled rice cereal, oatmeal, and as of yesterday, sweet potatoes...MMmmmmmm. Quite a messy time:) Lindsey is also able to move around quite well now, too. If you put her down on the floor even just for a few seconds, she will either roll her way across the room or scoot her way there going backwards! She wants to crawl so badly, but hasn't quite coordinated that yet. She tries to rock back and forth, and stick an arm here or there, but just can't quite make it. Oh well, soon enough, I'm sure. For right now, she can be pretty in pink...

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