Friday, June 29, 2007

What We've Been Up To

So we've been up to a few things lately. Picture One shows that the kids have been enjoying the kiddie pool. It's a nice alternative to the beach since we don't have to drive anywhere and there's no messy sand to deal with! :) Picture Two has William reading to Lindsey. She absolutely love reading and William reading to her is like icing on the cake. He's is soo cool to her! She really thinks her brother is a lot of fun. Picture Three is of William in front of our garden--though that picture is a week old now and the garden is already much bigger than that. We're all looking forward to eating our yummy vegetables from it when they're ready. And lastly, a quick shot of Lindsey walking. She's been walking for a while now, but this is the first time that I got a picture of her in action. Lindsey hardly crawls around here anymore. She simply prefers to walk! Among those activities, we have also been visiting the library during their storytime hours, enjoying music at the monument in downtown Racine, and of course, lots of walks when it's cool out (which it has been lately--today's high was 68!!).

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