Monday, August 13, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday, Lindsey!!

It's official!! Lindsey is 1 year old now. Jason and I stayed up last night and recalled the events that took place hour by hour, and then showered Lindsey with kisses (in our bed) at exactly 12:34 a.m. Lindsey's party was on Saturday at Grandma Bower's house. She (we all) had a Great time! The weather was nice (warm, but not too hot) and the kids got to play outside on the water slide and Lindsey got to play in her kiddie pool for a bit after we had dinner. Lindsey received wonderful gifts from her family and friends, and ulitmately, loved the boxes that they came in!! How typical ;) More pictures to come after this post so you can see some of what she got for gifts.
Happy Birthday, sweet baby.

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