Monday, October 15, 2007

14 Months Old!

Look at my big girl!! 14 months old already. Wow. Lindsey's more recent developments now include answering our questions by demonstrating to us what she wants. For example, if you ask her any of the three questions: Are you tired, do you need a nap, is it time to go to bed? She will run into her room and put her hand on her crib. If you ask her if she needs a new diaper, she will run over to her changing table. She is so interactive and sweet now. She still loves to read books and now a new favorite activity is reading her flash cards! She can't get enough of that :) Lindsey also has a new second cousin, Sadie, who was born last Thursday. Plus, she'll have another new second cousin on the 25th! So many new babies in the Bower family this year:)

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