Monday, June 9, 2008

It's Summer Time!!

It's officially summer time for William! Today is his first Monday off of school:) Lindsey is already in love with having him at home. They took a bath together last night, played 'monsters' (a William calls it) in Lindsey's bed and have basically been inseparable since he got home yesterday. She loves playing with him sooo much. He really enjoys carrying her around and chasing her from time to time. We have been having a lot of rain lately, so we've been doing a lot of inside stuff. Tomorrow it's supposed to sunny--that'll be nice! I'll get some pictures of the kids at the park and beach when it finally dries up around here. Until then, lots of indoor activities. I'm planning on taking the kiddies to Chuck E. Cheese's tonight since it's supposed to rain ALL day And daddy is out of town again for a couple of days. I'll snap some pictures.
P.S. I just wanted to add that Lindsey said her first 'two word phrase' yesterday--"purple ball!!!"

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