Monday, November 24, 2008

Lindsey Builds a Snowman!

We got our first official snow last night. We have had a few flurries here and there this past month, but last night we got about an inch of (wet) snow. After breakfast, Lindsey put our warm clothes on and ran outside (so I could shovel) to play in the snow. She had a great time! All morning long, she kept running to the window to look outside and admire all of the white stuff :) After I was done shoveling, I helped Lindsey make a snowman. She did a great job helping me roll and push the large snowballs to out in front of the yard. When he was done being assembled, I found some sticks and rocks to put together for his face and arms. Lindsey kept putting snow on top of his head. So much fun to play in the snow!!

Linds has had her bed converted over to a toddler bed for about a year now, but only just started bouncing on it. I thought it was kinda cute so I caught it on video....

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