Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Alex's 1st Birthday!

Lindsey's buddy, Alex, turned one year old on August 2nd! We went to their house and enjoyed some yummy food and good company. Among Lindsey's favorite things, balloons!! Alex had some really cute Sesame Street balloons and she just couldn't get enough of them. (I already some for her party on Saturday!) She also thought that he got a lot of neat toys. Guess we'll have to see what she gets this weekend :) It's been fun watching these two grow and change over this first year. Can't wait for her party. Though it will make me sad to accept that she's not a baby anymore, I am happy to see all of the new things that she can do now: reach for an item that she wants, eat a lot of big people food, say things like ga ga gaaa, and walk really well. Such a big girl. Such a sweetheart.

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