Lindsey is 13 months old today! She has changed in so many ways just recently. Over the last couple weeks Lindsey has started talking more. She now says Mama, Dada, Dog (which sounds like Doug), Keys, Open (at least a noise that sounds like the word "open" at the right time), and yesterday she said "Ya, Ya." She also is pretty proficient at climbing on and off the couch--as you can see in the first two pictures. Linds tries to dance and jump now to music. She understands questions or words cues, such as Juice, Food, Milk, Are You Hungry, and goes to the refrigerator for those items. She also jumps (most of the time) when you ask her to. She points to items that she would like, but might not be able to reach. AND, through all of this, she has had 2 molars up top come through, and two bottom teeth still working on coming through. Lindsey pretends to listen to a phone when she holds it by her head, and pretends to drink from a can of soda. She has been VERY busy developmentally over the last couple weeks. WOW!! Way to 'grow', Lindsey!!!!
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