Little Lindsey Mae is sixteen months old today. She is growing up soo fast! I'd kinda like her to stop growing now and just stay my little baby forever:) I look back at William's baby pictures and that seems sooo long ago, and I really miss those times that we were able to share together when he was small. Just the two of us on our little outings...Such a pleasure. But anyway, I digress and times marches on. As you can see in the first picture, Lindsey has now graduated to a six piece puzzle--with some help, of course. That was one of William's puzzles and now she is trying her hand at it. I was washing sheets and blankets today. The best way that I have found to reassemble her crib is by removing the mattress and putting the sheet on that way. She thought this was hilarious and played on the mattress on the floor for a solid half hour. The second and third pictures are of her playing on it and the third one is specifically of her "blowing kisses" to the camera. What a ham!

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