Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year!

So far 2008 has had a great start. Lindsey has been having a great time playing with all of her new toys from Santa and relatives. She has really been getting a kick out of playing William's drum set, too! It's kept downstairs in "William's playroom" (the someday office), and whenever she wants to play, she will run over to the basement door and grab the handle about a million times. (Don't worry, we bought a different handle for it so it now has a lock on the inside so she can't open it!!)
Now, about the pictures that I have posted.....The first is of Lindsey in one of her new fav spots for hanging out. I keep this large basket in the kitchen full of toys for her, but she enjoys throwing them all out and sitting inside of it. The next picture is Lindsey sleeping on Bailey in her toddler bed. Too cute! Third picture is of Lindsey from the other day when she she fell asleep standing at the edge of her bed. So sad and sweet at the same time. I'll go in there after a few minutes and lay her down. The next picture is of Lindsey sampling my bowl of Chili which she enjoyed very much. She now uses a fork and spoon (very occasionally). The last picture is of Lindsey just sitting and enjoying her new Elmo chair. She loves it to bits!!

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