Isn't she adorable!?! Lindsey has been a big fan of the "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" show on the Disney channel for a while now. So naturally, I thought it would be cute for her to be Minnie Mouse for Halloween this year. Nana and I went to the Disney store at the mall today and found the adorable outfit that Minnie wears in the clubhouse show. While we were there, Lindsey saw all of the other characters that are on the show and she blurted out "Donald Duck," and Nana was amazed because she didn't know that Lindsey knew who they all were, and that she could say that! She named all of the other guys, too--Daisy, Goofy, Pluto, Minnie and Mickey. It's still so very exciting to Jason and I when she says a new word, and lately here she has been saying about two new words a day--on average. On a special mommy note, Lindsey made poo-poo on the toilet today!! It will be so nice when I can get her totally out of diapers:)
P.S. I know it is kind of hard to tell, but there is a little heel on the pretty yellow shoes that she has on---and they're glittery...oooooh!
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