Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Bower Christmas Party!

Last night was the Bower Christmas party at Aunt Linda and Uncle Eugene's house. The whole Bower family was there and everybody had a great time. Lindsey was particularly intrigued by the Christmas tree that actually had ornaments on it from top to bottom (unlike our which is only decorated from the top half up) and naturally, all the presents that surrounded it with pretty, shiny bows. We had a challenging time trying to distract her, but amazingly, she never grabbed one and listened very well :) She got to see all of her new little cousins (Mark is in the first picture with her) and even shared a couple of balls with Mark. She did ,however, become exceedingly jealous whenever I held a baby other than her. She had an absolute break down! William can't even sit in my lap without her crying. She is very mommy possessive! Lindsey even got a couple presents from her aunties and laughed her butt off when she was opening one with her Aunt Julie. Sooo much fun!!! I can't wait to see how she reacts on Christmas morning!!

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