Friday, December 21, 2007

She's in a Toddler Bed!

We converted Lindsey's crib into a toddler bed yesterday!!!! She figured out a few days back that should be climb into her crib. Initially, there was a box of diapers that she used to stand on and then figured out how to get in there. Her main interest still being to get in there to get her "Neenah's." But then a little later on she realized that she didn't need the box and still was able to climb into it. (This was with the railing down.) With all of that, she figured out that she could do the same thing when it came to getting out of there: leg up, hang it over, try to position hands just right, and go for it! So when I saw this I realized that it was time to convert. The nice thing is that daddy is home from work now until after New Year's so we figured this is as good a time as any.

We went about our normal routine for bedtime last night. She gave daddy a hug and kiss, and slowly we backed away, waving and blowing daddy kisses. Finally, I laid her down. She cried right away, but only sat up in her bed. I went in there a few times to reassure her, and within about 5 minutes, she was asleep--all before 7 o'clock, too! She had a very short nap yesterday so we knew she was tired enough to go to bed then...and we didn't hear from her until after 7 o'clock this morning!!! She did great!! We'll just have to wait and see how the next few nights go. She knows that she can get in and out if she wants to, we'll just have to wait for her to figure out that she can get out when it's actually bedtime ;)

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