Thursday, January 31, 2008

Playing Around the House

Lately it's been quiet around here with William in school and Jason out of town. Lindsey has been great with coming up with her own fun. Sometimes she's just hanging out in her room with her toys, and sometimes she's playing with her tricycle. Either way, she loves to explore.

You might notice in some of the pictures that Lindsey is in her crib and might wonder how that came to be?? I laid Lindsey down for bed the other night, and when she was still up a half hour later, I decided to go in her room and check things out. I noticed that the side of her bed was soaking wet! I turned on the light and saw that the bed rail was wet, too, and had two holes in the mesh side. The dogs must have found some food and chewed through it to get to the food--yuck! Being totally unsafe now, I was forced to take down the bed rail but then left with decision of what to do to keep Lindsey in her bed. UGH! Jason is a thousand miles away, there was literally a blizzard outside and I couldn't find the hardware to reassemble Lindsey's crib back together. *Small freak out for mommy* Luckily, I found the hardware later for her crib and put it back together as a crib. SO, until daddy gets home, it will function as a crib. I wasn't too crazy about the last bed rail, thinking that the material wasn't snug enough. And one time I put it together wrong after washing her sheets. So, as it stands, the poor baby is confused, but accpeting of her crib being a crib again. Your freedom will be restored this weekend, Lindsey, I promise!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Havin' Fun with My Brother!

Like any other kid out there, I love to play with a box! Who needs the toys that come in it, just let me climb inside ;) William and I had a bunch of fun this afternoon while we played with it. I sat inside of it and he pushed me all over the house. We had such a great time. I love my big brother!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

17 Months Old!

Lindsey is 17 Months old today!! She has had a very fun past month with all of the new toys and gifts that she received from Christmas. She has really been enjoying her fish tank that she got from her Uncle Jason. While she has been a great amount of fun with her toys, she has also changed developmentally now towards the route of "Toddler." And with that comes all sorts of new and challenging behaviors (for us). She now has a bit of a temper if she doesn't get what she wants! But, she also can now recognize when she is tired and will got lay herself down in her bed. That is AWESOME! I also recently gave her a peanut butter sandwich and watched nervously for the next few hours
to see if she would have a reaction, and everything went well--and of course, she loves it!!! So nice to know that she can eat peanut butter!!! That really opens up a lot of possibilities for us. We'll see how Lindsey changes over the next little while here. Next month marks the Year and a Half Old mark! WOW!
Note about the pictures: The first is of Lindsey just being cute, but moreover, I got a sewing machine for Christmas (YAY!) and made Lindsey that blanket. It has Winnie the Pooh and Piglet on one side, and the other side if of the Winnie the Pooh characters with a very soft pink background. She loves it sooo much and carries it all over the house. The next picture Lindsey is curled up with a good book--over in the corner by our entertainment unit. The last two are of Lindsey playing naked on our bed with daddy smiling at her (and he is dressed--just hard to tell!) She was having so much fun throwing herself around our bed that I had to snap a few shots! Too cute!!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Happy New Year!

So far 2008 has had a great start. Lindsey has been having a great time playing with all of her new toys from Santa and relatives. She has really been getting a kick out of playing William's drum set, too! It's kept downstairs in "William's playroom" (the someday office), and whenever she wants to play, she will run over to the basement door and grab the handle about a million times. (Don't worry, we bought a different handle for it so it now has a lock on the inside so she can't open it!!)
Now, about the pictures that I have posted.....The first is of Lindsey in one of her new fav spots for hanging out. I keep this large basket in the kitchen full of toys for her, but she enjoys throwing them all out and sitting inside of it. The next picture is Lindsey sleeping on Bailey in her toddler bed. Too cute! Third picture is of Lindsey from the other day when she she fell asleep standing at the edge of her bed. So sad and sweet at the same time. I'll go in there after a few minutes and lay her down. The next picture is of Lindsey sampling my bowl of Chili which she enjoyed very much. She now uses a fork and spoon (very occasionally). The last picture is of Lindsey just sitting and enjoying her new Elmo chair. She loves it to bits!!