Sunday, January 13, 2008

17 Months Old!

Lindsey is 17 Months old today!! She has had a very fun past month with all of the new toys and gifts that she received from Christmas. She has really been enjoying her fish tank that she got from her Uncle Jason. While she has been a great amount of fun with her toys, she has also changed developmentally now towards the route of "Toddler." And with that comes all sorts of new and challenging behaviors (for us). She now has a bit of a temper if she doesn't get what she wants! But, she also can now recognize when she is tired and will got lay herself down in her bed. That is AWESOME! I also recently gave her a peanut butter sandwich and watched nervously for the next few hours
to see if she would have a reaction, and everything went well--and of course, she loves it!!! So nice to know that she can eat peanut butter!!! That really opens up a lot of possibilities for us. We'll see how Lindsey changes over the next little while here. Next month marks the Year and a Half Old mark! WOW!
Note about the pictures: The first is of Lindsey just being cute, but moreover, I got a sewing machine for Christmas (YAY!) and made Lindsey that blanket. It has Winnie the Pooh and Piglet on one side, and the other side if of the Winnie the Pooh characters with a very soft pink background. She loves it sooo much and carries it all over the house. The next picture Lindsey is curled up with a good book--over in the corner by our entertainment unit. The last two are of Lindsey playing naked on our bed with daddy smiling at her (and he is dressed--just hard to tell!) She was having so much fun throwing herself around our bed that I had to snap a few shots! Too cute!!

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