Saturday, January 13, 2007

Roll, Baby, Roll!

Lindsey recently rolled over from her back to her tummy! She has been very close for a while now, but only days ago was able to completely roll over. She has been a menace on her changing table! Her favorite thing to do as of late was rolling over onto her side and reaching for her diaper caddy--almost always pulling it onto herself! If she wasn't doing that, she was also trying to sit up from a laying down position and chew on her baby powder. Yuck!

Here's a couple unrelated pics...Nevertheless, they are cute! The first is me holding Lindsey up in the air, blowing on her face, while Jason took the picture. The other is the aftermath. A puzzled look on her face thinking, "Why on earth would you do that to me?!?!"

Monday, January 8, 2007

I Will Always Remember.....

*Jason rocking an empty shopping cart while Lindsey was at home with grandma when she was about 2 months old.

*Jason laughing in the middle of the night--I asked what he was laughing at and he quickly replied, "Little Baby," and went right back to sleep.

--More to come as memories are made--

Saturday, January 6, 2007

As Promised..."My Dad's a Geek!"

Here are the pictures that I promised. Hope you like! I certainly get a kick out of them:) As for her daddy...I'm not so sure ;) In the second picture Lindsey realized that she has different shoes on. A cute pair of pink striped tennies.

Friday, January 5, 2007

Friday Fun!

Hey! It's Friday. So far today for fun, we have been playing with our doggies, Bailey and Mongo. One of Lindsey's favorite places to hang out with her pooches is in the front window. They all enjoy perching themselves up there while looking at the minimal traffic that we have, and the occasional walker. I thought this would make for a cute photo opp.
As you may have guessed, Lindsey is feeling much better now. I'm actually not even 100% convinced that what she had was a cold at all. All symptoms seemed to have vanished--rather quickly, which would lead me to believe that this could have been a teething episode. Yay. I'm still exclusively nursing her so I'm hoping that she holds off on the teethies for as long as possible :)
In the near future, I will post a picture of a Christmas present that she received from her second cousin, Joe. It is a pink onesie that says "My dad's a Geek." Can't wait to see how that one looks! Stay tuned...

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Lindsey Has a Cold! Oh No!

The past couple days have been rough for Lindsey. She seems to have developed a nasty cold. She had me damn close to crying last night as she coughed and coughed, and cried and cried for what seemed an eternity. All of this actually began a week before Christmas when William first developed The Cold. He started out with a hacking cough and then seemed better. Next up, my turn. Christmas day I was lucky enough to have a sore throat. That soon transitioned into a rather stuffy nose and eventually, tons of sinus pressure. Meanwhile, William at least was getting better. The Friday after Christmas I went to the Doctor and she believes that I have seasonal allergies which was causing all of the sinus pressure. Fun. Jason only recently took his turn with being sick. He continues to feel like poop. I remain medicated and slightly stuffy. I tell you all of that the raise the question "Does she feel like this?" I sure hope not. I know we have all been miserable lately. I can only imagine how awful it must be to not be able to communicate your own needs. Not to mention, what did she ever do to deserve this dreaded cold. :( Poor baby.

Her mattress is currently propped up and we have a humdifier going. It seems to have helped as she was in a much better mood today. I couldn't even get her to smile yesterday. Poor baby. Although, she does continue to pull on her right ear. I took her to the doctor today and he said that it looked fine--though it could develop into an ear infection at any point. Poor baby. I wish there was some kind of medicine that we could give her.

This is actually her second cold now. And she's only almost 5 months old. Poor baby. It's hard to keep healthy in this house it seems. William, as sweet and wonderful as he is, does bring home a lot of germs from school. I would like to add that he is doing great in school and gets along just fabulously with Linds. He always asks how her day was, and if she cried at all, as soon as he gets in the car. Such a sweetie. I only hope that she can turn out to be as cheerful and thoughtful as he.....

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Some of My Favorite Pictures of Lindsey

Baby's 1st Christmas!

Lindsey just had her first Christmas! She got a few fun presents such as an Elmo, a Winnie the Pooh teething blanket, a new teething ring, a crinkle ball with patterns for her to look at and chew on, and a Kick and Crawl play mat. After opening her gifts, she promptly passed out--right in the middle of the floor!

Lindsey at 4 1/2 Months Old

Lindsey is 4 1/2 months old right now. She is a very busy girl and some of her current favorite activities include chasing down people or dogs in her walker, or playing with some of her toys in her high chair. Lindsey is very particular when it comes to her pacifier. I have tried several different brands and she continues to be exclusive to the "gumdrop" pacifier that we got from the hospital. Being that we only have two, these are like gold to us. About a month or so ago, she realized that she can laugh. The very first time she laughed was at Bailey, her 7 year old dog, and continues to laugh at both of her dogs frequently. She gets quite the kick out of them! Among her other recent developments, she is working on sitting. She actually can sit quite well on her own. We do have to be near by since she will occasionally tip over still. We have her on a pretty good routine right now and she sleeps through most of the night. I haven't started any solid food with her yet. Recent studies have linked a connection to eczema and introducing solids at an early age. Her older brother William, 6, developed eczema when he was a baby and it was horrible! I'm hoping to avoid this all together with her.

Click here to hear me laugh.