Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Lindsey at 4 1/2 Months Old

Lindsey is 4 1/2 months old right now. She is a very busy girl and some of her current favorite activities include chasing down people or dogs in her walker, or playing with some of her toys in her high chair. Lindsey is very particular when it comes to her pacifier. I have tried several different brands and she continues to be exclusive to the "gumdrop" pacifier that we got from the hospital. Being that we only have two, these are like gold to us. About a month or so ago, she realized that she can laugh. The very first time she laughed was at Bailey, her 7 year old dog, and continues to laugh at both of her dogs frequently. She gets quite the kick out of them! Among her other recent developments, she is working on sitting. She actually can sit quite well on her own. We do have to be near by since she will occasionally tip over still. We have her on a pretty good routine right now and she sleeps through most of the night. I haven't started any solid food with her yet. Recent studies have linked a connection to eczema and introducing solids at an early age. Her older brother William, 6, developed eczema when he was a baby and it was horrible! I'm hoping to avoid this all together with her.

Click here to hear me laugh.

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