Thursday, March 13, 2008

19 Months Old

Lindsey is 19 months old today! I just recently had her pictures taken and they turned out beautifully. I also got pictures of the two kids together. Now I just have to wait for them to come in--about two weeks. Can't wait to hang those on the wall! It's finally starting to warm up a bit out here (40s) and we have been spending a little bit of time outside. Lindsey really enjoys walking around on the sidewalk when we're out. It'll be nice when all of the snow melts, things dry up, and then the kids will be able to play in the backyard on our swing set. Lindsey is going to be so much fun this Spring and Summer. She is able to do so much more physically now that she getting older (pushing 2!!).

Lindsey is trying to talk a bit more now. She added "cookie" a few weeks back, and has also said "fishies" and made "quack, quack" noises, too. One cute thing is that she enjoys watching "Blues Clues" from time to time and can identify when there is a "clue!" On a more toddlerish note, she has also become very possessive of her toys--or anything that she wants. William is a great big brother and sincerely enjoys playing with her, but lately she has been very crabby with him--yelling anytime he touches something that is hers. Very "terrible twosie." *Ugh* We're entering that phase...Time for a good balance of love and discipline. Is this when I start getting gray hair??? :)

(*Side note* I made the green dress that Lindsey is wearing today! It turned okay as long as you don't look at the seams ;) I'm still learning lots when it comes to my sewing machine...There's a few more projects in the making.)

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