Tuesday, May 13, 2008

21 Months Old!!

Lindsey is getting sooo big! I know I say this everytime she reaches another month in age, but I can't believe how fast this has all gone. Almost 2!! Crazy...Among Lindsey's developments in the last month are quite a few things. Firstly, she is trying to talk like crazy now..too many words to mention, but William thinks it is hilarious when she says "sit." She'll try to tell Mongo to "sit" and he thinks it sounds like something else. Silly boy;) Lindsey can say a few letters of the alphabet (a, e and o)and recognize which ones those are, plus she knows several numbers and loves to very proudly say "8" and she finds that number everywhere she looks it seems!! :) She does a bunch of animal sounds--I think the snake's "hiss" is the cutest that she does. PLUS, she recognizes at least 8 colors (there's the number 8 again for her). You can put a pile of crayons or markers out and she will pick out the correct color that you ask her to. Such a smart baby.

Lindsey loves playing outside whenever she gets a chance, and over the last weekend, we tilled up the garden and I was able to plant my strawberries plants that I had started inside a few weeks back. Above are a few pictures showing her playing outside in the garden area jut having a blast:) Such a sweet happy baby....

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