Friday, May 2, 2008

Lindsey Loves Teletubbies!

Lindsey loves the Teletubbies...What more can I say? She has for quite some time now. William was the quite the fan when he was just a little tyke. In fact, his first birthday theme was Teletubbies!! While I was at the local consignment store, Lindsey spotted a lot of 5 Teletubbies and 2 DVDs that she just had to have (and all for only $8). She wouldn't even put them down! There's my little Lindser, arms full up of these adorable stuffed guys. I had been sitting on the fence for a while about buying some off of ebay for her, since I never actually got the stuffed dolls for William. BUT, while I was there for a cute pair of pink rain boots, we spotted the Tubbies and had to have them. Here are a few pictures of her playing with them.

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