Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ashley, You'd Be proud!!

Back when William was an infant, my roommate and best friend, Ashley Brooks, gave William the book "Goodnight Moon." Since then, it has been handed down to Lindsey. The insider covers bears an inscription that says " To Little Will: Make sure that Mom & Dad read this to you A LOT!! Don't forget to find the mouse in EACH color picture! Have fun with my fave book! Love, Ashley." This has easily become one of Lindsey's favorite books. And Lindsey has found all of the mice on her own. She loves to find little things like that, and one day she noticed a little mouse hiding in a color picture. From then on, all she wanted to do was skip the black and white pages and jump ahead to the color pictures to see how quickly she could find the mice. She is very observant. How cute!! Ashley, you'd be proud :)
P.S. That is a new board book that I purchased specifically for Lindsey. She was starting to get rough with William's and I wanted to preserve that one :)

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