Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hanging out with Sadie!

We have been babysitting Sadie during the day for the last week now while her mommy is at work. Sadie, if any of you remember, is Lindsey's second cousin. They have been having a lot of fun playing together, and playing with toys together. Lindsey has been great about sharing her toys with Sadie! I am very proud of her. And, since Sadie has been with us, Lindsey has been talking and babbling more:) She is even doing more two-word phrases now, too, almost as if to defend her property ("Lindsey's coat!!, for example). It has been a nice experience for the two of them. In the video, they were having fun chasing each other around the kitchen table and also playing peek-a-boo with each other. Such fun!

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